Mini-plenary feedback

Primary 6 (9-10 year olds) were carrying out a Bottle flip investigation to find the best amount of water for the bottle to land when ‘flipped’ into the air.

The focus was to record results clearly, so groups were given lined paper but no pre-drawn table. All groups set about investigating, but the teacher could see that some were recording their results and others were not. He paused the class for a mini-plenary and asked groups to share their results so far. He drew attention to clearer recording and systematic investigating, providing feedback for all groups.

Pupils were then asked to extend their investigation by changing something different (e.g. bottle or surface), but reminded that the focused skill was still recording.

Pupils turned over their paper over and drew a new table to collect results, giving them a further opportunity to practice and succeed at recording results. Findings were shared at the end, leading to a discussion about the best bottle shape.

Fairview Primary School, Ballyclare, Co. Antrim