Beginning, Developing and Mastering’ (BDM) or ‘dechrau, datblygu, meistroli’ was developed to provide a positive, child friendly strategy that provides a progressive framework to enhance assessment for learning strategy opportunities .
BDM is based upon the successive characters of Beginning, Developing and Mastering; these three successes steps are represented pictorially with progressive images. These images or logos are used in Assessment for Learning rubrics and success criteria. Teachers can use these logos to differentiate and provide successive skill learning continuums (within rubrics) in which pupils can use as guidelines for target setting and self/peer assessment.
The BDM strategy enhances children’s ability to become self/peer evaluative as it provides them with appropriate language and progressive structure. Teachers are able to reinforce this further by adopting the language in their marking/praise. E.g. “Da iawn, you are developing this skill because… to be mastering you need to… .”
St Philip Evans RC Primary School, Cardiff