How do you go from everyday formative assessment to making summative judgments?

We do a focused assessment each term so that we make detailed notes about each child and their working scientifically, and we have the other knowledge of them from what we have seen in other science lessons and in their books. At the end of term we simply use the evidence from the task, books and what is in our heads to make a judgement about what the child has met, not met or exceeded the expectations.  

We know what we want the children to learn from our planning, so we are always looking out to see if children have got it. As a staff we look together at what kind of progression we expect so we can trust our judgement. We created a moderation graffiti wall to consider progression from Y1 to Y6. But its an ongoing thing, you have to keep making sure everyone has a shared idea of what to look for.’  

Kate Porter, Worlebury St Pauls Primary School, Weston-super-Mare