Active Pupils

Eg. Self and peer assessment

Pupils use assessment to advance their learning by acting on feedback (P5)
E.g. respond to mini plenary advice in second half of lesson, make improvements in next investigation.

Artboard 2a
The home page shows the principles of the pyramid model, with ‘active pupils’ and ‘responsive teachers’ as the basis of assessment practices. You can return here at any time by clicking on the top pyramid icon.
Clicking on a layer will take you to the guidance boxes, which contain suggested practices to support valid, reliable and manageable assessment. You can use the side bar to switch between layers.
Clicking on a guidance box will take you to examples of practice from a range of contexts. We are always looking for more examples, so do get in touch to share your ideas.
Some examples contain links to TAPS Focused Assessment activity plans, which are designed to support teachers to focus on one element during science enquiry lessons.